Beneficiary Creation / Registration

Using this Api merchant can register a beneficiary under him and use the beneficiary id to do the payout.


Request Header Params

payoutMerchantId is different from payuMoneyMerchant Id, please use the correct one for seamless experience

Request Params


Sample Request/Response for a single transfer initiation:

Content-Type : application/json

Method : POST

Test Environment Request Body:

"name": "Ankush", 
"email": "", 
"mobile": "1234567890", 
"accountNo": "123456789012", 
"ifsc": "ICIC1234567", 

"name": "Deepak", 
"email": "", 
"mobile": "1234567890", 



    "status": 0, 
    "msg": "Beneficiary Created with Id :16", 
    "code": null, 
    "data": { 
        "beneficiaryId": 16, 
        "name": "Deepak", 
        "email": "", 
        "mobile": "1234567890", 
        "accountNo": "12", 
        "ifsc": "ICIC1234567", 
        "vpa": null, 
        "merchantId": 1111167, 
        "isValid": true, 
        "addedOn": "2020-06-22T08:13:37.000+0000", 
        "updatedOn": "2020-06-22T08:13:37.000+0000", 
        "isVerified": null, 
        "nameWithBank": null, 
        "cardNo": null 

Last updated